
Does Distilling Water Remove Fluoride And Chlorine

  • Hungarian elections: Putin's man in Europe survives

    17 hours ago

  • Have They No Shame?

    Am I lone in resenting and deploring the constant attempts by KFC to employ their advertising budget to propose that they are somehow the mainstay of our national game, and that rugby cannot be enjoyed or supported except by those who partake of their fatty-ridden and sugar and salt-laden "fast" ...

    19 hours ago

  • Labour lied about banning offshore gas exploration

    In 2022, the Labour-led government announced they were banning new offshore gas exploration. The ban was half-hearted at best, and immediately undermined past permit extensions and changes in conditions - a policy that has continued. Just at present they seem to take moved beyond sneaky extensions to explicitly voiding the ban, ...

    nineteen hours ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the rise of vigilante "sovereign justice"

    If you or I decided to exempt ourselves from the laws of the land, and -moreover- made public our intention to kidnap and murder the people elected to govern the country, you lot'd remember at that place would be consequences. The Police, for instance, might be considering whether there is sufficient evidence that ...

    19 hours ago

  • Brains are bad at big numbers, making it impossible to grasp what a million COVID-nineteen deaths really ...

    Lindsey Hasak, Stanford University and Elizabeth Y. Toomarian, Stanford Academy As of April 2022, at that place have been nearly i million confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. For most people, visualizing what a million of anything looks like is an incommunicable chore. The human brain just isn't congenital to comprehend such ...

    21 hours agone

  • The Sequel Is Never As Adept.

    Box Office Poison: The script for Labour's sequel to Unite Confronting Covid-nineteen is turning out to exist a disaster. Where are winning lines like "Go hard, become early" and "The Team of Five One thousand thousand"? Compared to these, "I totally turn down the premise of your argument!", merely doesn't cut it. And how ...

    22 hours ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Wouldn't it exist great if political parties opened their books

    An unusual thing happened on Friday, when the National Party proactively released public data about financial donations it had only received. The political party declared that its former deputy leader Paula Bennett had but raised $1.8 1000000 dollars in donations from a scattering of wealthy supporters. And she had raised the ...

    23 hours ago

  • From the smallest of bones come the biggest of secrets

    Enquire whatever museum curator if you could destroy the but known bone of a diminutive extinct animal for genetic enquiry, and the answer, one time the curator had regained their composure…well, I'll leave that ane to your imagination. Walk into the behind-the-scenes drove at any museum in Aotearoa New Zealand ...

    ane day ago

  • 2022 SkS Weekly Climate change & Global Warming News Roundup #13

    2 days ago

  • Ukraine: what are nosotros are missing? (4/wha)

    The Big Question: Why?Much has been made of "why" Russian invaded Ukraine. Each of the minor ground forces of pundits take their own ideas and theories.But few - if any - have asked the Big Question: why have practically all the former Soviet bloc nations, plus several onetime Soviet Republics, rushed ...

    Frankly Speaking By Frank Macskasy

    two days ago

  • Ukraine: what are nosotros are missing? (3/toru)

    Historical Flights of Fantasy...Far Right/conservatives in the West have enthusiastically supported Putin's imperial ambitions and the invasion of Ukraine. For the Far Correct, Putin's conservatism is a bulwark against the "woke liberalism" of the "decadent W".Leftwing commentators have also supported Putin's naked aggression for reasons that are often less than ...

    Frankly Speaking By Frank Macskasy

    3 days agone

  • Anybody out at that place to help us re-animate the SkS iPhone App?

    Many years ago, Shine Technologies created the Skeptical Science App for iPhones and Android which turned out to be very popular. Unfortunately, the app could no longer be maintained by its creators and has therefore vanished from the app stores. All we could do, was to add together brusque notices explaining ...

    4 days agone

  • How to Live, and Fail, in a Multipolar World

    Putin may have washed irreparable impairment to Russian federation's place in the globe. For the past two centuries, the world social club has been dominated by a single country, powerful enough to be described equally a 'global hegemon'. (Such a authorization was not truthful for the whole earth much earlier.) In the ...

    iv days ago

  • Media Link: AVFA on the Open Source Intelligence War.

    I accept been busy with other projects so have not been posting as much as I would similar. Hence the turn to linking to episodes from this season 'south "A View from Afar" podcast with Selwyn Manning (this is season iii, episode 8). In the month since the Russians invaded ...

    iv days agone

  • Unmistakably Labour Legislation.

    The Age-Old Question: The thought of laying a solid floor of wages and atmospheric condition beneath the feet of workers in industries notorious for engaging in exploitative "races to the lesser", simply keeping the way articulate for improving upon these base "Free Pay Understanding rates" in case-by-case commonage bargaining, will act ...

    4 days ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – New Zealand should exist "friends to all and enemies to none"

    The Solomon Islands has an official foreign policy of being "friends to all and enemies to none". New Zealand could larn a lot from this approach, as this country heads down a path of being friends only with traditional Anglo countries, bullies to our Pacific neighbours, and enemies with our ...

    4 days ago

  • Ukraine: what are nosotros are missing? (2/rua)

    If not Nazis...Putin's dogged insistence that he invaded Ukraine to "de-nazify" his neighbour is demonstrably false. As false every bit old President George Bush's risable contention that the United States invaded Republic of iraq in 2003 to "spread republic". Neither contain a shred of truth.As previously pointed out, Putin is the darling of ...

    Frankly Speaking By Frank Macskasy

    four days agone

  • 2022 General Reading: March (+ Writing Update)

    Completed reads for March: Hippolytus, past EuripidesIon, past EuripidesThe Thattur of SörliThe Phoenician Damsels, by EuripidesThe Suppliants, by EuripidesHercules Distracted, by EuripidesThe Children of Hercules, by EuripidesAntigone, by SophoclesOedipus the Male monarch, by SophoclesOedpius at Colonus, by SophoclesThe Suppliant Women, by AeschylusThe Persians, past AeschylusJ.R.R. Tolkien'southward The Lord of the ...

    iv days agone

  • Skeptical Science New Enquiry for Calendar week #thirteen 2022

    Glaciers: "Exercise not resuscitate" Glaciers: every bit characters in human civilisation and diplomacy some are near and love, similar cherished friends or relatives. Unfortunately— non a little like children accidentally allowed matches and gasoline while visiting grandparents— nosotros've mortally wounded a lot of our icy companions, including tall glaciers beloved in ...

    5 days agone

  • Chris Hipkins' poor leadership on freedom of information

    Chris Hipkins is the Minister for the Public Service. In this function, he's responsible for overseeing the whole public service and ensuring that it meets its obligations under the Public Service Act 2022 to be politically neutral, provide free and frank advice, and then on. Ane of those obligations is ...

    5 days ago

  • Te reo Māori can enhance all aspects of life – Dr Rāpata Wiri

    Dr Rāpata Wiri is on a mission to make it easier for people – including teachers – to larn te reo Māori then they can enhance all aspects of their lives. He affiliates to Tūhoe (Ngāti Ruapani, Ngāti Hinekura, Ngāti Manunui, Hāmua) and Te Arawa (Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Rangiteaorere, Tūhourangi, ...

    5 days ago

  • Creating modify by sharing mātauranga

    He Kai Kei Aku Ringa | Providing Food Past My Own Easily This whakataukī resonates with Phoebe Fordyce and inspires her ambition to aid create meaningful change that empowers Ngāi Māori past 'using the tools' she has learned. Phoebe, who affiliates to Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, is nearing the ...

    5 days ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Why Louisa Wall was a problem for Labour (and democracy)

    Since announcing her retirement on Tuesday, MP Louisa Wall has been heralded equally a great maverick who progressed important social legislation past operating outside of the usual Labour Political party structures. Her failure to be elevated to the rank of Cabinet Minister, is being blamed on her outspokenness and refusal to ...

    five days agone

  • Gordon Campbell on proficient riddance to the America'due south Cup

    So the America's Cup defense force is off to Barcelona. Supposedly, if you could drill a pigsty through Auckland to the other side of the world, you'd come up out near Seville, barely a two 60 minutes aeroplane trip from Barcelona. Correct now, quite a few yachting fans would probably similar to put ...

    5 days ago

  • How this month produced a listen-extraordinary warm-up in eastern Antarctica (and the Chill)

    This is a re-mail from Yale Climate Connections by Bob Henson The bloodless term "anomaly" doesn't do justice to the stupendous temperature departures seen across parts of both the Antarctic and Arctic in mid-March 2022. With the initial shock at present behind them, scientists are taking stock of exactly what happened and ...

    5 days agone

  • Ukraine: what are we are missing? (1/tahi)

    Discussion GamesOn 24 Feb, Russia invaded it's neighbour, Ukraine. Equally well as historical bug to consider, there are present-day implications, that have not been canvassed - and yet they take far-ranging consequences.Russian President, Vladimir Putin, ex-KGB officer and doting friend of billionaire Oligarchs, coined a new euphemism for the world: ...

    Frankly Speaking By Frank Macskasy

    5 days ago

  • A Bridgerton Too Far.

    Historical Fantasy: It is surely no blow that Bridgerton's executive producer is Shonda Rhimes, the guiding intelligence behind that other big Netflix hit Inventing Anna. Rhimes just "gets" the millennial zeitgeist. History is what yous make up – what yous can brand people believe. How? By presenting an historically blank ...

    5 days ago

  • Of Sparkly Stones and Blackstones: The Silmarillion's Theory of Property

    I accept previously toyed with looking at what passes for economics in Tolkien's invented universe – or some aspects thereof. Equally befits Tolkien's academic interests, it is non a subject area with particularly articulate foundations – the human being was more interested in language stems than in describing economic system. Today, ...

    five days ago

  • The IPCA should be subject to the OIA

    6 days ago

  • The IPCA is a fraud on the NZ public

    RNZ examines the Independent Police Conduct Authorisation this morning as part of its ongoing series about murders past law. The first part of the commodity discusses the IPCA's exclusion from the OIA, which is probably worth another post. Because the residue of the article, about the IPCA'south funding problems and ...

    6 days ago

  • Channeling Ramsay MacDonald: When Governments Give up

    New Zealand can be a very strange little country sometimes. Our memories of that fateful year of 2022 are a bit unlike from everyone else'south – specifically that New Zealand remembers it fondly. It was, subsequently all, the year we collectively defeated the Virus – the year we ...

    6 days ago

  • Geoffrey Miller: New Zealand's Australia-friendly response to China-Solomon Islands security deal

    International analyst Geoffrey Miller looks at how New Zealand'southward positioning on the new China-Solomon Islands security pact fits into the bigger picture show New Zealand's lock-step response with Australia to a new security deal between Solomon Islands and China shows just how much has changed over the past year. In her ...

    6 days ago

  • Special Written report: "Cows and Cowards" With Rachel Stewart

    Gratuitous Speech Union's Podcast In this 'Special Written report' Free Speech Union member Daphna Whitmore talks to previous podcast guest Rachel Stewart almost abolish culture and self-censorship post-obit her removal from a documentary on the New Zealand dairy industry over her views on a number of completely unrelated topics.  Rachel is ...

    seven days ago

  • Sticking a privacywall on our history

    Archives New Zealand is the repository for our public records, the institutional collective memory of the nation. All sorts of people employ it: genealogists, historians, policy wonks. I've used it, when digging into the history of sedition, or of the Official Information Deed. But the Department of Internal Affairs has ...

    7 days ago

  • An apology from Vladimir Putin

    My behaviour over the last calendar month has been unacceptable and inexcusable. ...

    7 days agone

  • A loss for Labour

    vii days ago

  • Double Standards: What's Evil In Ukraine Is Patently Proficient For The Solomon Islands.

    Hypocrisy In Arms: The "international rules-based order" has encouraged the residue of the world to declare economic war on the Russian Federation in retaliation for its illegal invasion of Ukraine. Simply time will tell whether that very same lodge will demand the imposition of as swingeing sanctions on Commonwealth of australia and ...

    seven days ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Divisions are opening up, and left and right are making them wo...

    An of import stance poll was released back in January by Curia Research, showing the land is increasingly divided. The survey asked: "Thinking now nigh the country of New Zealand and our society, practice you think New Zealand and New Zealanders are less divided, or more divided than a year ago?" ...

    7 days ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the Oscars, and how an Islamic republic of iran deal could mean cheaper petrol

    Uh oh. In an embarrassing instance of counting chickens prematurely, the government had sent a delegation to Hollywood to capitalise on the expected Oscar coronation of The Power of the Dog. In the end, the film got only i win – Jane Campion every bit Best Director – from its twelve ...

    i week ago

  • A Bloody Difficult Act To Follow.

    From Here To There: In 2022 the Gray Lynn Ardern declared airily, "Let'due south practise this!" If, in 2023, the Morrinsville Ardern can snarl, "I've bloody done information technology!", then she'll lead her Labour Government to a third term. POLITICAL PROVACATEUR, Matthew Hooton, predicts that nosotros should wait to encounter "less Grey Lynn ...

    i calendar week ago

  • The long night: how the Ice Historic period drove blue-eyed shag evolution

    The first snow had started to settle on the blank ground. Soon the shag will have to make a choice. Should information technology stay to battle the elements and potentially face death during the long night, or try a perilous journey to notice a new home? Past the time sea-ice surrounds ...

    i week ago

  • 2022 SkS Weekly Climatic change & Global Warming News Roundup #12

    1 week ago

  • Aspirations in a "at present fractured" society: what defined it prior to Covid, and what is it at present?

    If anyone thinks that whole Convoy / Global Tantrum (Inc). would have left a few weeks dorsum even if our mandates were lifted so, well you're probably wrong. If anyone thinks that the National Party under Luxon is promising a render to some Gilded Age of prosperity? Also incorrect. ...

    1 week agone

  • Luxon keeps contradicting himself

    What is it about correct wing leaders thinking they can fit their narrative to whatever audience is in front of them? It's almost similar they aren't aware of how modern 24-hour interval reporting works. Or mayhap they retrieve they can simply bluff their way out of whatsoever given sticky situation they've ...

    1 week ago

  • Necromantic Literary Criticism: Ben Hardwick, Martin, Tolkien, and Character Death in Story

    Ben Hardwick clearly harbours aspirations to exist a Necromancer. A skillful decade or so after George R.R. Martin fabricated ane of his sick-considered jabs at Tolkien (no, non Aragorn's tax policy. The other ...

    1 calendar week ago

  • Hailstorms and climate change: What to expect

    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Bob Henson When people think of the about dangerous threats spawned by thunderstorms, tornadoes typically come to mind. Even so in terms of total damage, hail really ought to be front and center. U.South. hailstorms cause far more holding damage than tornadoes, ...

    1 week ago

  • What About Aggrandizement?

    Claims that our electric current aggrandizement is due to government spending are nonsensical. There is a mantra which goes: if the economy is expanding, cutting back public spending; if the economy is contracting, cut back public spending; if the economy is inflating, cut dorsum public spending; if the economy is deflating, ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Why we shouldn't celebrate the refugee bargain with Commonwealth of australia

    Later on almost a decade, Australia has finally agreed to take upwardly John Key's 2022 offer that New Zealand takes 150 refugees each twelvemonth from Commonwealth of australia's controversial detention centres in the Pacific. But before New Zealand pats itself as well hard on the dorsum, here are nine reasons New Zealand's refugee deal ...

    two weeks ago

  • Unsubscribing From Freedom.

    Censor And Critic Be Damned! It has become increasingly clear to the Free Oral communication Union, along with many other advocates of freedom of expression, that the place where academic freedom is most at risk is, paradoxically, academia itself. Academic FREEDOM is 1 of those "public appurtenances" that nearly people seldom question. ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Breaking The Climate change Consensus

    Disruptive Influencer: "New Zealand is not in a position of having to resort to desperate measures to run into its climatic change obligations. This state can make reasonable or best efforts to lower internet emissions with existing policies and exist certain of success." - Matt Burgess, The Pretence of Necessity WITH THE ...

    ii weeks ago

  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #12 2022

    Where's our geothermal free energy industry? "Tripping over its own feet" is how the layperson might less politely summarize the trouble, later on reading doctoral candidate Bryant Jones' summary of non-technical challenges significantly retarding our progress in exploiting an arable, widely available free energy source that ought to be filling important gaps in our ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Jamaica plans to become a republic

    At the end of last year, the Caribbean land of Barbados became a democracy. At present, the Jamaican government has taken the opportunity of a imperial visit to announce plans to exercise the aforementioned: Jamaica's prime minister has told the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge that his country is "moving ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Of Can and Tintagel – accustomed

    A squeamish chip of news – I got my offset curt story acceptance of 2022 today. Specifically, my meaty v,850 word piece about tin and the politics of scarcity has plant a habitation in the Jump 2022 edition of New Maps Magazine ( This ane was written ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Climate Alter: Ending Tiwai'southward subsidies

    The Tiwai Bespeak aluminium smelter is one of New Zealand's biggest climate scammers. Nether the ETS'south industrial allocation provisions, information technology receives far more carbon credits than information technology really emits, which information technology can and then sell to other polluters for profit. The core of its scam is a matter chosen the "electricity ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – End of a Covid era

    The chaos, disruption and suffering brought well-nigh by Covid is far from over, only in that location'due south now a sense that, politically, the virus has finished. The pandemic has dominated the political agenda for two years, and with yesterday's announcement of a significant loosening of restrictions, it feels similar an "end of ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Reviewing Russian Rock Operas: Finrod (2001) and The Lay of Leithian (2021)

    It is a strange world we alive in. No sooner had I finished working my fashion through the infamous 1970 Boorman script of The Lord of the Rings than I stumble beyond these little treasures. And by treasures, I mean two Russian Rock Operas/Musicals. Of the story of Beren ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Understanding the promise and peril of fusion power: Bubble or climate panacea?

    This is a re-mail from Yale Climate Connections by Philip Warburg In the scramble to stave off climatic change, scientists are exploring every possible source of energy that does not rely on fossil fuels. Fusion is i such resource. How close are nosotros to existence able to rely on this applied science? In December ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Keeping Things Simple.

    Cutting Through: A complex world is incompatible with a elementary world. Explanation is incompatible with acceptance. Contrariwise, the power to distinguish the bulk view of reality from reality itself is arguably the about vital accommodation of human evolution, information technology's what drives our species forward. TO EXPLAIN IS NOT TO JUSTIFY. How astonishing, ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Smoking denormalization and tobacco endgames

    Janet Hoek, Richard Edwards, Andrew Waa* Once a common practice, smoking prevalence has declined since its peak in the 1960s, after the serious wellness risks information technology poses became articulate. Authorities policies and social marketing campaigns have progressively reduced smoking's acceptability; yet, slow reductions in prevalence have seen inequities persist and ...

    two weeks ago

  • Branko Marcetic: Let's take our off-white share of Ukrainian refugees

    New Zealanders are looking for ways to help the people of Ukraine. Branko Marcetic argues that we can easily afford to take a special category of Ukrainian refugees on meridian of our normal quota, and in fact we would be enriched as a state by their inflow here. The Russian ...

    ii weeks ago

  • Managing New Zealand'southward greenhouse gas emissions from aviation

    By Robert McLachlan and Paul Callister New Zealand at COP26 On 10 November 2022 at COP26 in Glasgow, New Zealand along with twenty-2 other countries joined the "International Aviation Climate Ambition Coalition", committing to "Preparing up-to-date state action plans detailing aggressive and concrete national action to reduce aviation emissions and ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Throwing abroad our cheese

    Dorsum in 2022, Siouxsie Wiles and Toby Morris published a tricky graphic on The Spinoff on the Swiss Cheese Model of public health, with various policy interventions as slices of (holey) cheese. Stack upwardly enough slices, and its harder and harder for covid to become through the holes. Except for ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Gordon Campbell on Christopher Luxon's trashing of the poor

    For years, Nicola Willis and Chris Bishop have been routinely described every bit belonging to the "liberal" wing of the National Political party, as if National is a broad church spanning urban neo-socialists at one end of the political spectrum, and rural conservatives at the other. No-one has ever felt much inclined ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Bouquets and brickbats for the Government'south move confronting corr...

    The Government has announced that it will legislate to force greater transparency around the ownership and control of private companies in New Zealand. This is a positive motion that will assistance the fight against domestic corruption, coin laundering, tax evasion, and the full general use of New Zealand as a haven ...

    ii weeks agone

  • Climatic change: Nosotros need to cease fossil fuels

    2 weeks agone

  • Geoffrey Miller: How important is New Zealand's new military support for Ukraine?

    International analyst Geoffrey Miller examines New Zealand's new military assistance for Ukraine and asks whether more humanitarian aid could also exist provided. Jacinda Ardern's proclamation of military machine back up for Ukraine is highly symbolic. The support parcel includes a donation of $NZ5m to NATO'due south trust fund – to spend on ...

    ii weeks ago

  • Finally

    two weeks ago

  • Long COVID: a crucial reason for vax, mask, and distance

    Prof John D. Potter* Long COVID occurs in at to the lowest degree 20-30% of individuals who take been infected with SARS-CoV-two and is strongly related to the severity of the initial illness. There are bereft information to provide a trajectory or a timeline for duration and resolution. The downstream damage tin can touch: ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Is it time for Labour to introduce public dental care?

    Dental intendance is out of the fiscal achieve of a large proportion of our population. At the moment nearly half of the public put off trips to the dentist due to the burden of paying in a private organization. With the Labour Government currently struggling to enact a programme of ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Democracy's A Drag.

    What'due south That You Got There? For an increasing number of people, both here in New Zealand and effectually the world, Democracy is the problem – not the solution. It gets in the manner. It's faux. It slows everything down. Or, it just takes too much endeavor. Permit'S Face up IT, Democracy's a drag – ...

    2 weeks agone

  • Remembering SiBri

    It probably won't even register with about Kiwis that Simon Bridges, who was once leader of the National Political party, has resigned. Even with a biased mainstream media promoting him higher up his station and numerous scandals besmirching his career, Bridges was a largely nondescript and forgettable MP. I hateful what exactly ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Disarm the police to save lives

    ii weeks ago

  • Covid-19 Hospitalisations Now Peaking in Aotearoa NZ – Simply Key Covid-nineteen Control Measures Still Nee...

    Prof Nick Wilson, Dr Jennifer Summers, Prof Michael Bakery* In this blog we nowadays hospitalisation data for Covid-xix suggesting that the numbers are now peaking beyond the state. To engagement, the peak burden of hospitalisations and ICU admissions in NZ has been lower than the peaks in Commonwealth of australia. Although various ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Gordon Campbell on how, and whether the Ukraine war might terminate

    It is pretty safety to assume that the Kremlin did not await Ukraine's resistance to be every bit strong and constructive as it has been. It is too probably rubber to say that the failure of his Ukraine blitzkrieg volition non significantly alter whatsoever Vladimir Putin will come to regard equally ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Political Roundup – Labour needs to rediscover its political soul

    In the concluding few days the Labour Authorities has come in for criticism for its panicked pandering to stance polls. Last calendar week it announced petrol tax cuts and reduced public ship fares. This was in response to pressure from opponents and the public who declared the Government was out of ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Does Distilling Water Remove Fluoride And Chlorine,


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